Applying these thoughts to change & win life back.
- Win without a fight.
- Expectations brings disappointments.
- Recieve without asking.
- Love & love with intensity, without the thought of failure or acknowlegdement.
- Change attitude & live happy.
Kindness is a gift of heart. Friendship is a bond of soul. Shared moments are never forgotten.
Applying these thoughts to change & win life back.
Posted by
My travel dairy
11:38:00 AM
That's the movie by Nagesh Kukunoor that I watched last Sunday. Good work. 'Dor' as the name says has a bind with all characters plus the audience. You really feel for the two women playing the lead.
I feel you appreciate a movie more when you associate yourself with some character in the film, it was same here with me. The pain of departing loved ones was same that I feel everyday....
NRI's should think that earning an extra dollar aboard will never ever compensate the pain of separation your your loved ones goes through everyday. Come back home.....
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:29:00 AM
A man hurt my leg unintentionally. Stumbled & then felt very sorry for it, he also made a jesture of touching my feet with his hand, then touched his forehead & finally kissed his fingers of that very hand. This is a common jesture with many Indians to be sorry.
It made me wonder when we pay so much of respect for the person we hurt a little then why many a times we forget the same respect at national level? Why we have riots, hatred and anti-Hindu/Muslims demostrations?
Wonder why we don't respect others all the times.........
Posted by
My travel dairy
3:40:00 PM
According to me, marriage is a life time commitment. It is a commitment to care & love each other till the end. Compromise & sacrifice if situation demands. Be compassionate & more forgiving to each other. Share the thoughts, the plans, the happiness with a goal that only we two will bring this home together in all ups & downs. The challenge of marriage is making it work for a lifetime. Trusting each other implicitly, when u do that you are able to go through life with a tremendous amount of confidence in each other. Trust is built on a foundation of fidelity and commitment between the couple. Marriage is also compatibility, Friendship, Patience andunderstanding. Communication is vital & it should be the best way to ease problems away from each other. I strongly believe this.
Posted by
My travel dairy
12:18:00 PM
... True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.....
Posted by
My travel dairy
2:15:00 PM
kagaz ke phool kusboo lotain
agar baharoun mein shamil ho
Posted by
My travel dairy
10:20:00 AM