The love, concern & gratitude shown by friends and family obliged me to write this post to thank all of them for their kind gesture towards me. These are the people who showed their concern through blog, phone and soft spoken words which made me feel so humble with their profound love. Some felt I had vanished, some felt I was in hibernation and others felt something serious has happened with me……But where am I??? well, friends I was hospitalized!
Few things that happened past few days, penning them down… the thoughts, the encounters, the pain and all that I went through all these days…
21st April ’07 when I was down with fever…dispensary doctor could not diagnosed the reason for the fever even after a week…antibiotics were prescribed but it did not help…my condition went from bad to worst and I landed in hospital… admitted into a ward.
I was asked to remove my jewellery, other belongings & give them to my relatives… Relatives?? “No relatives here”, I informed the nurse. She was surprised to hear that. “You are all alone???” she enquired again to be sure of what she heard.
I was lying on the bed with IV injected on my hand, watching the drip falling one by one into me…thinking of my dreams that has to be accomplished…I was searching for the gate designs to be fabricated for my bungalow before landing here… the fountain that was to be built in the garden and the swing to be put for my dozen of children… I wanted to live to do that… but darkness entered my eyes & forced me to fall asleep.
“What happen to you?” a voice entered my ears next day. It was from Mrs. Ghosal, mother of playback singer Shreya Ghosal. Her career best Devdas, Jism etc etc… We had been neighbors in the year 2000 & met again almost after 7 yrs. & now were roommates in this hospital. We talked about the old days…. the old memories. She was soon discharged & her bed was taken by a fragile old lady who could not understand any language except marathi…. Every morning I helped her tie the knots of her patient dress which we were force to wear early morning at 5.00am after taking bath at that odd hour. With her shaking hands she would put them on my head & face & would say few things in marathi which meant lots of blessings to you!
Well….even after giving 100ml of blood each day.. nothing was detected…then few more tests followed by X-rays, ECG etc. etc... but nothing came out… doctors seemed to be puzzled… they did not stop with their research as what had happened to me & to keep me alive they punctured me everywhere they could find a place for injecting. To be honest if they would have kept me in a bath tub…. air bubbles would have been seen all over my body with those many punctures!! Hehehe…..
4pm to 7pm was for visitors… every bed had visitors bring fruits & food except me! I had not informed anyone except my parents who would call me every morning & night… the restlessness & helplessness I could feel in their voice…each day I would tell them I am okay…my mother replied this is 4th day you are still in hospital & each day you tell us you are okay??? She stopped with a sob…..well mamma I will be fine one day I consoled her.
Yes, it’s the 5th day & I am still in hospital…one elderly lady keep passing me her “Gharshobha” magazines & looking for a chance to speak to me…she would get restless if her son doesn’t turn to see her & I would be explaining her it may be this reason or that reason for his absence, she would find solace in my conversation & would cool down.
Yeah….am tried of eating medicines and those injections…I wanted to go home… my plants would be dying without water… this was concerning me more….
The doctors on round came & touched my head & one of them said she had no fever today…I jumped up & said “Now I can go home… give me a discharge please!!” I found myself almost begging… the doc smile & said okay!
Ye…hooo…I started packing my bags…waved goodbye to many & went to get my discharge papers… the doctor prescribed me few more medicines to be taken for another week…& asked for my relatives! “You know we cannot discharge you without anyone coming to take you, it is doctor’s responsibility… I am sorry. ”
…….. And.... and... I wondered if I had my love & my loved ones, I would’nt have been here doc!!
Still waiting for a VISITOR.........!