Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kiyon mujh pe....
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:42:00 AM
Labels: Peotry
Thursday, December 04, 2008
One Flaw In Women
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love.
They have the compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.
Posted by
My travel dairy
11:54:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Inscription
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Just missed the date with terror!
Its Nov 26th.
I recieved a call from my sports instructor to report at the ground. Well... I said to myself... what if I could miss this... Is there anyway??
Finally I reached the ground... there were bags and water bottles, but no sight of them. I glanced through all over, where could I find running people... but no sight...
This has been a great chance to escape... a thought purged into my mind...
Finally I could'nt take up standing alone there, informed few people sitting nearby... spectators who usualy are there viewing all activities. Inform them about me, when these people return... "I was actually here"
Both nodded
"Good".....as if I had been courteous to them for being here on time :-)
Entering home I was on top of my voice..." hey I am free.. lets go out!!"
Excited everyone was ready in minutes... by auto then by local train... man we are here in Mumbai malls, foodies... so fun so good...
We shopped, shopped and shopped till our hands said, can't carry anymore bags!
The 'CENTRAL' was a big place to be in. The dinner too had been awesome... what else we need for a perfect day to have... I was telling myself.
There was one person in my group who was criticizing me that I made him missed his cricket match... and here & there I had been pinching him saying whats fun is there to watch one sided games...
"C'mon forget it & enjoy...please...." my 'please' was having a pleading tone.
Mumbai is a place where no one can be deprived of fun and excitement. I had always visualized it to be a beautiful city to be lived in and work.
About the worst fact about Mumbai is that it takes away a lot from you before giving a lot to you!! My philosophy ended when this note came in.
"Lets go home atleast let me see the ending of the match... it must be in final overs!"
"ok.. we are going.."
Its 9.17 local train and 9.45 pm home. We switched the TV & watched the matched... oh! wow so coolly these men in blue have won.... I can bet now this series will be wrap with 7-0..... India making wonders really... this will be a dream coming true series 7-0 ..I was quick to put my expert views.... but had to cut short when...
"hunnn.... lets see what happens, who knows what tomorrow holds"
"okay... I am damn tired & need sleep"... I headed straight to my couch.
Nov 27th 8.00am
I am way to my office.
Lift opens with few children & men. All quite. Then one spoke.... "Ball le aana, niche khelenge"
I wondered why this children have no school today. One of them said "Aj chotti de di gayi"
"De di gayi"????.... I was wondering... or did I hear it wrong.
I am at the security check North Gate. It looks no normal check.
"Why is it so tight security....? Who is coming today... I mean VIPP?" in a mischief way I smiled to the officer.
It usually happens here that when the VIPP is coming you get to go through such damn security checks which takes your precious energy and mood. They makes you feel so vulnarable... I hate it.... I hate it.... sach mai... :-)
But prompt came the reply from the security personnel...
"Mumbai sieged...Have'nt you seen 100 people died & the terrorist are on run"
Oh! my God, where should I take this head to hide... I felt so sick learning that....
"Sorry! I have'nt watched the news..."
How could I have learn't... I am a fan of CNBC.... with the market's meltdown... I don't go through them too!!
At office I hurriedly open few websites to get the latest... called home to tell them to switch on TV and dare no one goes out. Then my phone started ringing with calls from lovable and concerned people all over the globe... Is everything ok with you??
I had to inform all of them...
I hated to see the beautiful TAJ Palace burning... where I have taken so many of my picture opposite it...
I hated to see the brave police personnels dying....
I hated to see the people, hotel staff, tourist and foriegn delegates dying...injuring....running....
I hated to see the all innocent people being the victim of this heinous terror act...
This beautiful Mumbai... where I live and work... has been torn to peices... the hearts broken... the dream slashed.... the spirit to bounce back gone....
I am sad... I am ashammed.... I feel terrible as if I have been attacked!
I feel so helpless....... :-(
Posted by
My travel dairy
2:38:00 PM
Labels: India, Inscription
Monday, November 24, 2008
I like this quotation
When flood comes fish eats ants,
when flood goes down ants eat fish
All is matter of time, just hold on n let time pass.
God gives everyone opportunity!!
Posted by
My travel dairy
11:11:00 AM
Labels: Inscription
Monday, November 17, 2008
Chandrayan 1: India's Successful Moon Mission
On the behalf of Scientific Community, I congratulate ISRO Chairman and all enthusiats scientists involed in Chandrayan 1 project for thier grand success in the Moon Mission!!
Posted by
My travel dairy
10:15:00 AM
Labels: Inscription
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:20:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Peotry
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Don't quit
It is always said, big things never come in small packages, yes, but this big package would always contains numerous surprises of difficulties to overcome. This was evident from the fact that every step I took was challenged, opposed & demoralised.
It was a point when I had to meet big 'Heads' of organization and explain to them each of my aim and accomplishment. These 'Heads' whoses names were enough to shake someones body. And here I am into their cabins to achieve the impossible.
There were few occassions when all seemed gone. Headaches and feverish feelings embedded into my soul and the tension which never wished to leave me.
Then God sent two invisible messengers into my life. One of them said:
C: Now, let me say something which u will not like.........assume that u will not get it...and then live ur life......if u get, that will be an addition in the happiness.... until and unless u adopt this mindset, u will always be tension for one thing or the other.
me: u r teaching me, self control...
C: Start living small moments of ur life, once everything u will have, u will have something else to get tensed, so, there is not end to it
me: no I said that becoz it is difficult for such things
C: STOP LIVING CONDITIONAL LIFE....if this happens, I will be happy, if it doesnt happen, i will not be happy...how long u will live such life....change ur perception of life...i know that u have a very difficult life, but at the same time, I know that as long as u keep urself composed, any difficulty will go....
me: yes, i will try
C: tensions shake ur confidence and once u start feeling lack of confidence, u start losing every thing in life... I know that u r very strong, keep my faith alive....
me: ok
C: Just keep working hard, ur share of happiness will come to u....
take care... and .. smile please....
Honestly these simple lines worked for me.
And the second messenger was truly awesome, it helped me by leaps and bounds... & it goes like this:
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won, had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor's cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
yes, today I am walking into a tunnel... its dark here right now but yes I can see the light at its end.... I am still very far from it... but I am walking... slowly.... slowly.... towards it...
They defined this light as 'SUCCESS'.
And let me tell you, I am not going to quit....... I promise!
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:10:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Inscription, Love
Monday, September 15, 2008
'Frooti' Delight for everyone!!
Mangoes....... out !!......... Frooti....... IN !!
Posted by
My travel dairy
6:32:00 PM
Labels: Inscription, Smile
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
AMU alumini get-together
On 26th July 2008, it was raining as always in Mumbai, reminding the deluge of 26th July 2005. But this rain did not hamper the spirits of all the Aligarians who organized an Alumini get-together this day. Mr. Pitamber Singh was the chief co-ordinator of the event.
I belong to a government organisation which is famous for it scientific contribution in all the scientific fields in India, whether its nuclear, bio-medical or engineering. You name it & you would find the concerned contributing field. Hence you would be glad to know all AMU product was there in this get-together from Scientific to Administrative Staff of the organization contributing in all these relevent fields. These faces which I would see in the offices but never knew they belong from the same campus... It was welcoming to know so many new faces, which were unknown till today are now known as alumini & got linked to each other so quickly.
In all 51 officers could be found from the whole organization belonging to AMU. All were present with their families for this occassion. Surprisingly I was the only female scientist from this university present here. Though it made me proud but I felt that AMU was good enough to produce more. Hope to have them next year for the celebrations.

The top brass, organization's Controller Mr N. D Sharma was happy to meet the younger generation & he talked to me for long.

Finally a grand dinner awaited and this feast ended with a happy note that we would inshallah meet again next year for the same.
I hope the spirit do not get lost and we meet again to remember our college days once again....
My best wishes..for the same!!
Posted by
My travel dairy
3:13:00 PM
Labels: Inscription
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fuzon- Mora saiya mo se bole na

Music does not need bordaries. Music comes from heart & soul and it touches another heart & soul, just like this song.
And a melidious music is poured from a humble heart...
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:34:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Inscription, Love
Monday, July 14, 2008
Childhood reminisce........
It was not me who have changes... lots and lots have changed here too... the concrete jungle have started coming up places here and there.... I still hold the images of mud houses in my mind... hardly could find here... but I am glad to know that these people have open their arms to prosperity, comfort and luxury....
I held my camera out to find few images that my mind reminisces... those houses, cattles and the green fields.... I found few but the green fields were barren, presently being ploughed.... the rains has just dropped in... the air smell so fresh...

(Village girl filling water at borewell & happily posing for the camera)
Children running around... running at the back of our jeep... trying to catch it....
(The bulluck-cart kept in fornt of a village house)
Everywhere its a makeover time... the rains have given an alarming bell... the roof tiles (kavelu)are being replaced... the hay is being stocked up for the cattle feed....
(Man preparing his house roof for rains)
My uncles have a huge house, just like a square with a big angan at the center. As a kid on summer vacation, when my mother used to bring all our siblings we used to sleep here in open. The rows of beds would be laid, it was giggling and masti till late night. The cover over a head twinkling so beautifully, big & small... the moon light was so good that you could spot the calmness of beautiful faces sleeping around....
This time there was no evidence of all my childhood reminisces... the Aagan was not cleaned, bushes grown here & there. I asked why maintaince is not being done... and the reply was not shocking... as practical as it could be... who stays here...some have moved to cities for schooling and others for job...
I felt bad but understood.... as I too was not here after all these long years just to have fun filled vacation... my trip was much more commercial than personal.... I was making trip to register office for land purchase deal... also had preplanned each and every minute of my days stay here. My every minute seemed so precious today....
I recollected that earlier it was not like this... I had plenty of time... for every thing... where am I lost... this time I was not in haste to visit our Baag (mango farm) and the Baag ki nadi (river near farm)... it was a must trip for everyone in those childhood times... our lunches used to be of all kind of friuts in Baag then... the stomach would make watery sound with all fruit juices inside, when we used to run back home...
I lost something?? I wondered.... but then I realised when all are leaving.. I am coming back here... If not my presence atleast there is something related to me... they all will remember me in some way or the other.... the houses, the lanes, the Baag and the Baag ki nadi....
I hope !!
Photos taken on 11/12th June 2008, Village Murmunda.
Places worth visiting near village Murmunda: Bamleshwary Temple, Dongargarh, CH, India
Posted by
My travel dairy
7:01:00 PM
Labels: My Visits
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Love cannot be caged !
Posted by
My travel dairy
11:07:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Inscription, Love
Friday, June 27, 2008
M.B.A Student (vs) B.E Student
This joke won an award for the best joke in a competition organized in Britain.
A MBA and a BE student go on a camping trip,set up their tent, and fell asleep.
Some hours later, the BE wakes his MBA friend and says:
"Look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
The MBA replies, "I see millions of stars."
The BE asks, "What does that tell you?"
The MBA ponders for a minute..
"Astronomically speaking,it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo.
Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three.
Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant.
Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
What does it tell you?"
The BE is silent for a moment, then speaks.
"Practically. ..Someone has stolen our tent".
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:59:00 AM
Labels: Inscription, Smile
Friday, June 20, 2008
Best lessons are learned through actions..
Recently I was attending a seminar on the occasion of 100th year of International Women’s Day, in which the guest of honors were the prominent personalities of India including Chief guests Mrs (Justice) Sujata Manohar, Former Judge Supreme court of India and Dr.(Mrs) Kiran Bedi, Magaseyay Awardees & Former DG.
The topic of the seminar was “Economic Empowerment of women”. It is understood that this talk would be interesting for every women. Each one would like to capture all the valuable ingredients of the talks and would like to improve upon her economic betterment.
And hence most were doing the same. It was also interesting to note that all the speakers who came to the dais, opened their laptops & read their lectures from it.
Now it was Dr. Kiran Bedi turn, she came with confidence as always, CLOSED the laptop and started delivering the lecture, like a very confident and courageous lady, the way she is. And to my surprise the lecture was interesting.
Finally it was the end of the seminar & all who walk out of the conference room had one topic to discuss, no.. not “Economic Empowerment of women”, but the way Dr. Kiran Bedi spoke without the laptop !!
I felt that she had conveyed her point, for all women who wish to achieve anything in this world, should first have confidence in herself.
Also to note is that lecturers delivered on personal experiences rather taken examples from books and internet our best remembered and the mind never fails to erase them.
Truly best lessons are learned through actions…….
Posted by
My travel dairy
10:14:00 AM
Labels: Inscription
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Lab pe aati hai dua
ho mere dam se yuuN hii mere watan kii ziinat
zindagii ho merii parawaane kii surat yaa rab
ho meraa kaam Gariibon kii himaayat karanaa
mere allaah buraaii se bachaanaa mujhako
She learned it as a morning assembly prayer in her school at Aligarh Muslim University. When I entered AMU, I was straight into college and missed this oppurtunity. :-(
This soulful dua has been embedded so deeply into my heart & I cherish each word of it.
For some technical reasons I could not load the video here, but it is available at youtube.com
Please have a pleasure to listen it full atleast once..... its a blessing to ears and soul...
Little Siza Roy's voice will mesmerise you ! Album - Cry For Cry by Jagjit Singh
Posted by
My travel dairy
11:25:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Peotry
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Posted by
My travel dairy
7:03:00 PM
Labels: Expressions
Thursday, May 08, 2008
An Extraordinary life: Princess of Rampur Mehrunissa Khan

Photo courtesy:
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:09:00 AM
Labels: Inscription
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Be Humble
Whatever be the extent of virtues or power which one may acquire, these would be of no avail unless accompanied by humility. Humility and pleasant speech constitute one’s ornaments; others don’t count.
All knowledge and study attain their fulfilment only when accompanied by humility. True knowledge confers humility. It is said, “a pot which is full of water would not make gurgling noise”. Indeed only those who are possessed of mere superficial knowledge attempt to conceal their lack of fulfilment or real self-respect through vain boasts, loud talk, self-righteousness or egotistic chatter. In contrast, peaceful countenance and simplicity mark those who are authentic and truly fulfilled.
By being humble you would always sustain, stand tall, and progress toward true riches and endearing growth!
Cartoon courtesy: CartoonStock
Cartoons are added to make the reader humbily smile!!
Posted by
My travel dairy
8:51:00 AM
Labels: Inscription
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Kya ho raha hai?
Shayri thi na, per chaa gaya hai
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Saheli meri mujhe se number puche
Maanga kahe, mai dena tarsun jisse
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Khush hon mai itna, udhna mai chahon
Ghonsulon me jhanku ke pankh chura lun
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Pakka pakka lage wada jhota bhi
Chutki bhar khushi inme jo dekhon bhi
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Neela amber yon jhuk gaya hai
Samundar se milta ke pyasa lage hai
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Teddy bechara dur pada hai
Aj taqiya bhi mujhe sula raha hai
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Badal banke udhti ja rahi hon
Chalke jiya Pyasi mai jo barson
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Pariyan khole kitaben meri
khawab adhure, banaye yeh kahani puri
Kya mai samjhon, kya ho raha hai?
Posted by
My travel dairy
12:05:00 PM
Labels: Peotry
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Karo zara rangeen
in nanhe podhon ko dekha hai tumne
Jab subha pheli aos ki bundain inhe rangegi
tab chatkegi ik sundar si kali
aur bhikregi muskaan bagiya ki
jab phoolon ki madhu me dubega mali
tab mehkega har maala ka phool
aur sajega yuwan shuq jode ka
jab raat ki chandni sharmili mehkegi
tab sang hoga yaadon ka saath
aur shenai dur kahin bajegi
jab dekhegi kali yeh naya savera
tab ithalake bolegi in bundon se
jao dhond lao koi nanhi kali
jo aas lagaye dekh rahi subha ki
tab tumne mujhe ranga tha
aj fir sajao aos ki hiron jessi bundoon ko
aur karo tum in pyase podon ko zara rangeen....
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:48:00 AM
Labels: Peotry
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Eid Milaad
Some images I captured on the ocassion of Eid Milaad on 21st March 2008 at Byculla and Ray Road, Mumbai.
Posted by
My travel dairy
8:57:00 AM
Labels: India, Inscription
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sunset at Juhu beach
Posted by
My travel dairy
12:11:00 PM
Labels: Expressions, Peotry
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sailing in Arabian Sea
The GATEWAY OF INDIA, Mumbai, India
My wish... (my yacht....) :-)
The Dockyard
The Taj Mahal Palace and Hotel, Mumbai
chal diye maujoun sahare
kashti dole tu mujhe chede
mai liptoun hawa thithore
kahe na samjhe aao suniye
aa leja mujhe ab kahe tarse
teri kasam sagar se
gherrah pyar mera
tu kion na jaane
pagli kahe duniya mohe saare
sagar kinare sang tumhare
chal diye maujon sahare
dur koi desh tumhare
kion kashti tez na jawe
dushman bane majhi chahe
mai sang sagar tumhare galiyare
desh pani laage khaare khaare
aa laut chalen sahej hamare
meet tum saath kahan re
teri aas ab na rulaye
sagar kinare sang tumhare
chal diye maujon sahare
(c) kagaz ki kashti
Photos clicked on 9th Feb 2008
Posted by
My travel dairy
2:19:00 PM
Labels: Inscription, My Visits, Peotry
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Kaisa fasana....
Khusiyon ka kaisa hai yeh fasana
palko pe hain moti
aur ease mai pyar ka dastakana
khawabon ka kaisa hai yeh fasana
karvaton pe hain na chain
aur needon mai gharonde banana
umeedon ka kaisa hai yeh fasana
raatein sayah hai kali
aur zindagi mai rangon ka barasana
chahaton ka kaisa hai yeh fasana
madhos akele hain chale
aur manzilon ke khatir Kahan jana ....
(c)kagaz ki kashti 23rd Sept 2007
Posted by
My travel dairy
9:55:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Peotry
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
mai kissi ke kaam na aa saka........
Posted by
My travel dairy
10:22:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Peotry
Monday, January 21, 2008
Waqt ne fir pigla diya...
woh barf pe kadmo ke nishaan
jis per manzil ka na tha koi makaan
Barf ko bhi na tha hamesha rahena
Usse bhi manzil nayi pahunchna
Aaj fir dekho yeh barf padi hai
Jesse keh rahi ho
Aj bikhra hai maine naya canvas
karo tum ik nayi painting
Ya likho tum ik nayi ghazal
Per dekho yuhin safed na rahene dena
Karna tum unhen zaara rangeen….
Waqt ne fir pigla diya…
Posted by
My travel dairy
11:17:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Love, Peotry
Saturday, January 12, 2008
hawaon ki gustakhiyon me ehsaas uska
pattiyon ki sarsahaat me aahat uski
aasmaan me toote taare me bayaan uska
aankh mundh dekho to jaadu uska
jisse dundh rahi kahin dur mai
paas hai, pyar dil me uska...
(c) kagaz ki kashti
Posted by
My travel dairy
8:29:00 PM
Labels: Expressions, Love, Peotry
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!!
Posted by
My travel dairy
10:43:00 AM
Labels: Expressions, Inscription