I need you, I'm being true.
My love never went away.
My emotions real no fake.
Where did your love go?
Where did it all go wrong?
Would you cry,
If you saw me crying?
Would you run,
And never look back?
Now would you die,
For the one you love?
Most will say "I will........"
But few will die......
Former called WISE and later a COWARD.........
Whose's feelings and love are true?????
the picture...it brings tears to eyes..and also tells how helplesness fells..!
and if its wat u feel..all i can say is ..dont wory..love has this fickle nature...praying for it to rain on you..
tufaan-e-mohabbat se guzre bade mutmain the hum
saahil par doob jayegi kashti khabar na thi...
Thnks Ani 4 ur kind prayers.......
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