Friday, April 13, 2007

Vegetable art!

As I talk, the slide you will see is example of some of the greatest vegetable art. It reminded me of my school St. Joseph’s Convent & the various competitions it used to hold for days, salad competition was one of them. My sis and I were very much enthusiastic to participate in most of the events. She made a beautiful doll with 2 apples as head & body, the cabbage making her dress to kill!, the cloves as beautiful eyes, more veggie for her hat, hands etc. All that I remember is a beautiful piece begging a 1st prize. I too was not left behind with my share of two swans of radish floating in a blue lake… WOW! was the word every body described it. It begged a special prize and that piece remained a special to me even after all these years.
When I was going through these pictures, I was smiling and appreciating… some were too good to say WOW! especially the sea-saw mushrooms, the cauliflower sheep etc. They are good art.. who ever made it 3 cheers to him/her!!!
It also made me think what is good art? Is art all about making movies, painting and photography? Is there existing any other mode to have a good art? Or only these fields are artistic… but why?
The art of painting is one of the greatest traditions in all of human history. People going to the finest universities in the world, being taught by professors with Bachelors or Arts, Masters of Arts, Masters of Fine Arts, Masters of Art Education ... even Doctoral degrees, they instead have been subjected to methodical brain-washing and taught to deny the evidence of their own senses. Taught that Mattisse, Cézanne, and Picasso were the most brilliant artists in all of history. Why?
Ofcourse they were great. They spent their lives and careers on something that was not banal, not silly, insipid or inane. They in fact provided the world with the most ingenious of all breakthroughs in the history of artistic thought. They made us believe that we were looking at scenes in reality, or at scenes from the imagination, from fantasy or from dreams.
Good art, no matter what style, has certain elements that give rise to the piece being successful, or not. It does not have anything to do with looking ‘pretty’. Good art is not about beauty in the normal sense of the word. Guernica, by Picasso is an example of great art. It's not pretty, it's disturbing. It is meant to provoke thought... and to make a statement about a particular war. …
I think that great art either causes a viewer to think or to feel. Art can be any style or technique or level of skill, but to qualify as great it has to create a substantial amount of activity in the viewer's mind or heart. Good art can be a matter of good concept or excellent skills in execution, but I think great art touches the mind, heart or soul of the viewer. Something that you see that strikes your soul to the very depths that opens your eyes and your mind to the beauty of it.
Finally, what I believe is any art (MOVIE, PAINTING, PHOTOGRAPHY, VEGETABLE ART! Etc. etc.) are great & good if you stop & say WOW! for it or it is thought provoking & you come out scratching your head….
What do u say???


Anirudh 'Lallan' Choudhry said...

wo sehar mudda talbee mein kaam na aaye..
jis sehar se ho safina ravaan saraab mein

sehar--magic,mudda tallbee-fulfillment of desire,safina-boat,,saraab-lake of mirage..!

My travel dairy said...

those words too r good 2 say WOW!

Ani, u seem 2 have good knowledge of urdu & urdu peotry... did u study that? just curious....

Anirudh 'Lallan' Choudhry said...

nahi never was dat blessed to study dis language....i am thinkin of doin dat in ma masters....! yahoo n google id..add me..wud love to talk..!

My travel dairy said...

that makes me scratch my head... u are heading to be a student & i believed u r a "chote ustaad"...

u know at ur age I was a lecturer & was mistaken to be a student...
but in ur case it wud b in reverse order.. we need to see who is the ustaad here??? :-)
my best wishes!!

Anirudh 'Lallan' Choudhry said...

well thats too big a word for me..chand lafz bolne se koi ustaad nahi ho jata..u were a lecturer at my age?? what are u now>? how old are u?

My travel dairy said...
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